Sunday 13 November 2011

2011, Looking back

As the end of the year is nearing I find myself looking back at the year and at the people and events that have made it a wonderful year for me.
Participating with a stand in the Design Fair in May was a lot of hard work, but well worth it! There I met Celia Mikklesen and later on in the year was lucky enough to participate in her workshops which has been a wonderful learning experience.
I am one of the founding members and leaders of the Etsy Expat Team and  have had a wonderful year chatting and enjoying the stories and daily ins and outs of this incredible group of ladies. We recently celebrated our first year as a team which makes me feel very proud. 
I think one of the most important things for me this year has been the honor that i have felt making wedding wraps and shawls for a number of brides to be. Throughtout this year i have felted silk wraps, capes and shawls for brides in the USA, Canada and Europe. Thank you to all of them, I feel truely honored.
The end is near but not here yet and there are still a number of interesting things to come, natural dyeing with my friend Adriana, a trip to Parana to see my friend Maria, and an inaugaration, a couple of craft fairs and felting classes with a wonderful lady from Canada°°°°°°°°°°
The Snow Queen


The White Witch



  1. nice post Karen,keep it up.
    I took Thea's advice and wrote a few posts to out up whilst away (like now) but seem unable to make it least I can only post them with the date they were written, which is not the idea at all......grrr

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